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* 原创文章,若转载请注明出处ZING Immigration|加憬 *


历史数据:IRCC ATIP调档数据2017年-2020年初至11月显示: 即便在疫情期,中国申请人的学签获批率仍展现不俗的表现,这和中国整体经济实力、社会稳定等宏观因素紧密相关。

申请数量:由于COVID的影响,中国学签的申请人数量比往年锐减75%(据不完全统计),2020加拿大整体学签量估计比2019年锐减近80%(2019: 244,826 | 2020 up to Nov: 51,300),对于加拿大高校财政压力明显。


此外,留学生的储备不足和外籍劳工无法入境的现实,将持续在未来几年对加拿大本地劳工力市场造成影响,为学生转化成为PR起到积极作用,尤其是在essential services行业


写在最后 - ZING写给学签申请人的小贴士

1. Genuineness of intention: to be a student and will leave Canada by the end of authorized stay
2.Study plan: how studying in Canada would help you in developing your career, any alternative programs in your home country and why you choose Canada?
3.Sufficient ties outside Canada:family members, assets, cultural factors etc...
4. Sufficient Proof of Funds: employment, investment, parent support etc...
5. Program of Study: educational or professional background, the study plan must make sense
6. Onus on Applicant: shall submit all relevant supporting evidence 
7. Other factors: job prospects in home country, LOA scrutiny, travel history, dual intent

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